Rush City Schools Could see Staff Cuts if Referendum Fails

A critical referendum will be on the ballot next week for the Rush City School District.
District Superintendent Teresa Dupre spoke on the goal of the referendum.
"The Operating Referendum will provide the financial support needed to reinstate some of the cuts, restore funding for curriculum materials and staff development, and allow us to retain our high quality staff."
Dupre added that if it doesn’t pass, it may lead to staff being cut.
"Sadly, without the referendum, the school district will be faced with additional reductions. 80% of our operating fund is personnel so it will impact a reduction in staff."
The Rush City Schools operating referendum will go to a vote on Tuesday, November 7th from 10 am until 8 pm at the Rush City High School, and the community is encouraged to participate.
City Leaning Towards Talon Sanitation
The City of Pine City is currently weighing its options of who to sign for their waste disposal company.
Pine City had been using Waste Management, but after receiving a significantly lower proposal from local company Talon Sanitation, there may be a change.
As budget concerns are always a struggle, the city may look to the newest company in town, that being Talon.
Any potential agreement would be for the city’s waste, not for residential citizens, who still choose their own preference.
North Branch Area Schools Participating in State-wide Fundraiser
The North Branch Area School District is participating in a state-wide fundraiser for their schools.
They’ll be taking part in “Give to the Max Day” on November 16th.
Anyone who donates to the school automatically gets the school into a drawing to win money for programs and costs.
While “Give to the Max Day” is the 16th, any donations from today forward will still go towards the fundraiser.
According to North Branch Schools, they hope to raise funds dedicated to providing field trips for students.