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Joe Keyport

Pine City School Board Begins Search for Superintendent

The Pine City School Board is moving forward in their search to fill the position of superintendent.

Annette Freiheit abruptly announced last week that she would be vacating the position at the end of June to take a position within the Winona School District.

During the May 28 meeting, the school board met with a lawyer to discuss their options moving forward.

They quickly ruled out asking another local superintendent to split their time between their home district and Pine City Schools. Instead, the board is looking at finding an interim superintendent to lead the district while they search.

The Pine City School District is crunched for time and competing with other districts for candidates, but the board was collected while discussed their next steps.

"I think the nice thing about this is we're far from desperate here," board member Wally Connacker told the room.

Following a lengthy discussion, the board decided to push back their next meeting to look at candidates. The board will now meet on Tuesday, June 11 to discuss the applicants for the position.

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