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Cambridge Council Member, Former Mayor Marlys Palmer Dies

Joe Keyport

The City of Cambridge announced that former Mayor and current City Council Member Marlys Palmer has died.

Palmer was elected Mayor in 1997 and served the city for 20 years and then was appointed to a vacancy on the city council in January of 2019.

In a post on social media, City Administrator Lynda Woulfe referred to Palmer as a custodian of the area.

"Marlys was a servant of the people. She strongly encouraged civic engagement and was passionate about citizens’ concerns always striving to find compromise and solutions. Marlys truly modeled kindness and integrity every day. Marlys will be truly missed, but her legacy will live on throughout the community."

According to the Isanti-Chisago County Star, she died due to a recent heart attack.

Funeral arrangements for Palmer are pending, and the City is asking Cambridge residents to leave on their porch lights in honor of Marlys Palmer on Monday, October 7 as the first Council meeting the city will have without her in 20 years.

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