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Worst Month for Deer-Vehicle Crashes is November

Daniel Appel

Peak Month for Deer- Vehicle Crashes in Minnesota

November is the peak month in Minnesota for deer and vehicle collisions.

In counties across East Central Minnesota, deer populations are substantially higher due to their rural nature.

MnDOT reminds drivers of safe driving practices if you see deer: don’t swerve, but rather slow down, and make sure to look for others if you see one.

Other tips courtesy of MnDOT:

"Be particularly alert in the fall and spring. More than half of the crashes happen in late October and November when deer are mating, and in May and June during the birthing season.

· Be vigilant at dusk and at dawn. A high percentage of crashes occur during the low-light or dark hours of the day when deer move between daytime bedding sites and evening feeding areas.

· Slow down and scan the sides of the road and ditches for animals when driving through forested lands or near river and stream banks. Especially drive with caution in marked deer-crossing zones and along roads surrounded by farmland or forests as these are areas known for large deer populations.

· Drive defensively and expect the unexpected. If you see a deer near the road, slow down because it might dart in front of you. If you see one deer, look for the next one. Deer often travel together but single file.

· Don't swerve. While it may seem like the right thing to do, swerving to avoid a deer could cause you to lose control or travel into the path of another vehicle. Striking a deer is safer than colliding with another vehicle or a tree. Stay in your lane, brake firmly and hold onto the steering wheel.

· Motorcyclists should avoid night and low-light riding times. A rider’s best response when encountering a deer is to use both brakes for maximum braking and to keep their eyes and head up to improve chances of keeping the bike up. Riders should wear full face helmets and full protective gear."

Transitioning to Retirement for Local Farmers

Local farmers transitioning into retirement and those who are looking to take over farms have an important upcoming workshop opportunity.

Pine County has partnered with the University of Minnesota, the Minnesota Farm Bureau, and others to present the workshop.

Attendees will learn about the family dynamics of a farm transition period.

In addition, a roundtable discussion featuring local and regional farmers, plus educators to discuss the transition.

The meeting is November 8th from 5-7:30 at the Sturgeon Lake City Hall.

Pre-registration is required, and you can visit here to sign up.

Project Lifesaver- Update

A project offered throughout Chisago county by the Sheriff’s Office that has saved numerous lives over the course of its history just saved another this week.

Set in place back in 2011 as a part of a national plan, Project Lifesaver helps find individuals with disabilities who wander away from home.

An adult in the program went missing on Sunday in Chisago County and deputies found him safe within 30 minutes.

The project has seen 100% of the over 3,000 cases locate the missing person safe and sound.

A small radio transmitter is placed on the person, and a group of specially trained emergency personnel are dispatched should the individual wander away.

While the project isn’t free, costs are minimal, and you can find out more by calling the Chisago County Sheriff’s Office.

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