Four area 4H dog handlers will be taking part in the 4H State Dog Show this weekend.
Participants have worked with their dogs for months to practice skills in Obedience, Showmanship, Rally, and Agility disciplines.
Vivian Lahti, Isabelle Olson, Lauryn Jahnz, and Alayna Schwartzbauer will be going from Pine County. They previously competed in the Pine County dog show in July and met the criteria for moving on to the state show.
"State Dog Show is another chance for youth to showcase their learning and get feedback from more adults," says Pine County 4-H Extension educator Sarah Odendahl. "They get to learn from adults who have a lot of experience in dog training, plus they get to meet other participants from all over the state and make new friends."
The Minnesota 4-H State Dog Show takes place September 23-24 at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds.
Vivian Lahti with her dog Belle. Taken during the Pine County 4H Dog Show by Joe Keyport.