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Artist Dolores Peterson Opens June Gallery at Pine Center for the Arts


Press Release:

For 45 years as an artist, Dolores (Lorrie) Peterson has done crafts and sewing, experimenting with different materials.

“Seeing the reaction on people’s faces of enjoyment for my creativity is my inspiration for continuing all these years,” Peterson said.

Peterson enjoys searching for interesting subjects and objects to use in her art. She used textiles, fabric, and Egyptian papyrus paper as the background, and uses copper to create dragonflies and butterflies.

“When I color the copper, it is interesting and fun to see what colors show up,” Peterson said. “Each time I do it, it comes out differently.”

Peterson also incorporates leaves, gems, shells, driftwood, twigs, and bark in her art. In addition to objects found in nature, Peterson has used metal parts and glass.

“I appreciate the people who have purchased my artwork over the years,” Peterson said. “I still continue to find new ideas and creations, and hope to continue for years to come.”

The gallery opens on Friday, June 2. The public is invited to an artists’ reception from 4-7 p.m. on Friday, June 2. Wine, beer and light appetizers will be served. The gallery will continue throughout the month of June. Regular gallery hours are 10 am-5 pm, Thursday-Sunday. The gallery is free and open to the public.

This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through an operating grant from the East Central Regional Arts Council, thanks to legislative appropriations from the Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund. This event is sponsored by Sauser's Hardware.

Located in Pine City, the Pine Center for the Arts has been serving the Pine City area since 2009. With a variety of programming opportunities, the non-profit, volunteer-led facility is a gathering place for artisans and art lovers alike. Artists interested in displaying their work or teaching others their skills are welcome to contact the Pine Center for the Arts. For more information, please see

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