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Hinckley City Council Approves Housing Project Proposal

The Hinckley City Council approved the project proposal from Zenith Development to build workforce housing in the lot behind Barry Ave.

The council held a special meeting with the developers in July to discuss the proposed construction of ten ten-unit buildings on the former Family Dollar property.

Access to the development for traffic would be routed from Highway 48. A bump gate for first responders would be placed on Barry Ave.

During a discussion with Residents, Mayor Don Zeman says the city plans to sell the property to Zenith and let them build the infrastructure.

"The city would be responsible for putting in a lift station, but beyond that, they do all the infrastructure. It's not like we are building the streets and going to try and recoup the money from the residents... Zenith will be doing that all on their own," said Zeman.

With the approval, the Hinckley Council has directed the Hinckley EDA to draft an agreement between the city and Zenith.

Zeman said they hope to reach an agreement that will benefit both the developer and city residents before the land is officially sold.

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