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Injured African Serval Finds Forever Home in Sandstone

An injured African Serval named Bruno, found injured in Massachusetts, has made his way home to the Wildcat Sanctuary in Sandstone.

Bruno was captured by an MSPCA-Angell Community Outreach team earlier this month after being reported in distress. He was found with a severely broken leg that required his leg to be amputated.

African servals are illegal to own in the State of Massachusetts.

"Bruno is the poster child of the horrible things that can happen when they escape," Wildcat Sanctuary Executive Director Tammy Thies said in a statement. "We don't know if he was hit by a car, but the breaks in his rear leg are extensive and could be months old. Can you imagine this poor cat trying to survive a bitter winter with a broken leg?"

Wildcat Sanctuary staff arrived back home on Monday following a 3000-mile trek to go pick up Bruno. He is currently recovering from surgery and acclimating in his indoor heated bedroom before joining the other servals at the sanctuary.

The Wildcat Sanctuary posted a recap of Bruno's story and their trip to get him. You can view that video below.

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