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Pine City Continue Discussions over City Hall Project

The Pine City Council continued its ongoing conversation around moving the Voyageur Bottle Shop and City Hall project during a meeting earlier this month.

According to Administrator Scott Hildebrand, the City has run out of time to move the liquor store this year. He said the manager of Evergreen Square is still in talks with a potential grocery store, but they appear to be dragging their feet.

Hildebrand suggested that the city could take over the current liquor store building and make that new council chamber if the liquor store moves.

“There’s been some people that approached that may want to take on the project of 315 Main. Their concern is cost. Their concern is limitations with city involvement,” Hildebrand said.

Hildebrand asked if the council would like staff to advertise a request for proposal with that new focus in mind.

In response, Councilmember Steve Ovik said, “There’s a lot of moving parts here, and I don’t know which one is right and which one is wrong. We’re not moving anywhere right now.”

Ovick would like the building to remain whether the City of Pine City owns it or not.

“We can always reject, accept, or modify it [the proposal],” said Ovick. “I want to try and keep this building. I don't want to see it rot and turn into rubble and get bulldozed. If somebody else owns it and can renovate it and we come back, ok. If not, just preserve the building. That’s my main concern.”

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